7 Science-based Benefits of Omega-3 Softgels

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential polyunsaturated fats that your body cannot produce naturally. So, you have to provide your body with these essential nutrients through food.
As it can be hard to get enough omega-3s through food, supplements like omega-3 soft gels will be beneficial to support a healthy body.
Advantages of Omega 3 in the Human Body
The three types of Omega 3s are DHA, ALA, and EPA. These nutrients have multiple impacts on our bodies.
1. Deals with Depression and Anxiety
Psychotherapy or meditation is considered the primary treatment for mental illness. But, sometimes these traditional medications are not enough for people suffering from depression or anxiety. Omega 3 supplements are significant in improving the symptoms of mental disorders, including constant worry and nervousness.
Omega 3 fatty acids interact with mood-related molecules inside the brain. They have anti-inflammatory actions that may help relieve depression.
Omega 3 fatty acids are plentiful in certain fish oils and marine algae. Fish oils can prevent and treat depression and other mood disorders. Also, these supplements are effective to alleviate other psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, and attention deficit disorder.
2. Reduce Risk Factors for Heart Disease
Omega 3s lower triglycerides, a type of fat in your blood, and reduce the risk of developing an irregular heartbeat. Plaque, a substance comprising calcium, fat, and cholesterol, can harden and block your arteries. Omega 3 supplements slow down the buildup of this substance.
Taking omega-3 soft gels can reduce the probability of heart attack and stroke. Also, these supplements help to lower blood pressure. Studies show that consuming omega-3 fatty acids may reduce 15% the risk of heart attack and stroke and a 45% risk of sudden death from a heart attack.
3. Reduces Inflammation
Omega-3 fatty acids are part of a healthy diet that is associated with lower levels of inflammation. They inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX), an enzyme. It produces the prostaglandin hormones that spark inflammation.
Sometimes, long-term inflammation may persist without an infection or injury. Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the production of inflammatory eicosanoids and cytokines that evokes inflammation.
The anti-inflammatory molecules are known as Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators (SPM). The human body breaks down essential fatty acids, including some omega-3 fatty acids, and builds up SPMs. Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators control blood vessel inflammation. Study shows that supplements enriched in fish oil, raise blood levels of SPMs.
4. Develops Baby’s Brain and Eyes
Omega 3 fatty acids have an incredible impact on the brain and eyes. They are significant for the functional improvement of the human brain. EPA and DHA play vital roles in a baby’s brain development. That is why your gynecologist may prescribe you take omega-3 soft gels during pregnancy.
DHA is also a significant component of the retina of the human eye. Lack of DHA can cause vision problems. Omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent and treat dry eye syndrome, including eye itching, burning, and redness.
5. Helps Prevent Cancer
Omega-3 fatty acids support your immune system. Some studies suggest that omega-3s may prevent or slow cancer development by reducing inflammation. They can slow cancer cell growth and division, and stop the cells from producing new blood vessels.
Sometimes, inflammation consequences the initiation and growth of tumors. Scientists consider that omega-3 supplements can take part in cancer prevention and the enhancement of antitumor therapies for their anti-inflammatory properties.
Study shows that the compound of chemotherapy and omega-3 supplements can be beneficial for cancer patients who are in their palliative and curative clinical phase. This combination can be an effective solution to enhance the clinical outcome of those patients.
6. Helps in Treating Arthritis
A lack of vitamin D in the body causes Ricket diseases that soften and deform human bones. Before the mid-1950s Ricket was very common among children. As cod liver oil contains high vitamin A, D, and omega 3 fatty acids, it was used to treat Rickets traditionally.
The term “arthritis” originated from two Greek words: “arthro,” meaning “joint,” and “itis,” meaning “inflammation”. The two types of omega-3 fatty acids- DHA and EPA, help you get relief from pain-reducing inflammation. The omega-3 supplements from GI Prohealth support healthy joints and mobility in adults.
7. Reduces Fat in the Liver
Omega 3 fatty acids can help prevent non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. They can reduce fat in the human liver. If you have a fatty liver, you may benefit from consuming higher amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.
In such cases, omega-3 soft gels from GI Prohealth can be beneficial supplements for you. But before taking a supplement consult your general physician about whether your body requires it.
Foods that Contain Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Besides taking the supplements, you can find some food sources that contain omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty fishes, such as salmon, tuna, herring, sardines, and anchovies are rich sources of EPA and DHA. Also, you can get ALA from plants, vegetable oils, nuts, flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, etc.
In Conclusion
Mentioned here are seven benefits of incorporating omega-3 soft gels into your diet. However, it’s best to consume these supplements under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Gi Prohealth’s supplements are of the highest quality and are available at a very reasonable price. The experts at Gi Prohealth strive to provide you with the most well-developed and effective products so that you can lead a healthy and happy life.