Nutraceutical Supplements: 5 Potential Benefits

If you stay updated with the latest wellness trends, you must have seen people widely accepting nutraceutical supplements to improve their overall health. For the uninitiated, the term is a combination of the words ‘pharmaceutical’ and ‘nutrition,’ and is used to describe food items or supplements with certain medical or health benefits. A nutraceutical supplement is used for various purposes, not limiting itself to nutritional purposes. For example, some may use it to cure a chronic illness or for physiological purposes.
Nutraceutical products are broadly categorized into traditional and non-traditional nutraceuticals, and some even classify them based on their food source. Food additives, herbal products, phytonutrients, probiotics, vitamins, herbs, and minerals are some commonly used nutraceuticals.
Most neutraceuticals are now used with other traditional methods/medicines to treat certain ailments. If you were planning to incorporate them into your daily diet, ensure you’re well aware of their benefits. To make it easier, we have listed five potential benefits you must be aware of, so let’s explore each benefit shared below.
Improved Nutrition Intake
If your regular diet makes it challenging to meet the daily nutritional requirement, including nutraceuticals in your diet can cover up for the gap. For example, some people take a diet that often lacks vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, etc. If your diet is similar, you must take these supplements.
Nutraceutical supplements promote several body functions by filling the nutrition gap. When diet alone is not helping you, taking nutraceutical supplements can significantly make a difference. Since the market offers many options, we recommend consulting a professional healthcare expert to give you personalized recommendations.
Reduced Inflammation
A primary benefit of nutraceutical supplements is their anti-inflammation properties. When you take these supplements regularly, they help lower the risk of chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Chronic inflammation is a known contributor to the development of chronic diseases, and controlling it with supplements can help lower the chances of developing them.
If you have a health problem because of increased inflammation, you may consider taking the appropriate nutraceutical supplement for visible improvement. For example, curcumin is a highly beneficial compound loaded with anti-inflammatory properties. It is increasingly becoming popular among people diagnosed with inflammatory health conditions like arthritis.
Improved Cognitive Function
You may need nutraceutical supplements if you have been facing troubles regarding cognitive functions, like weak memory, difficulty focusing, etc. Gingko Biloba and omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutraceutical supplements known for improving cognitive functions. For the uninitiated, omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats that help with brain development and overall brain growth.
Besides omega-3 fatty acids, Gingko Biloba is a powerful herb used in numerous traditional medicines. Frequent consumption of this herb helps enhance blood flow to the brain and provides essential nutrients to improve overall cognitive function. Hence, they are used widely for better brain health, especially in older adults.
Improved Gut Health
The gut is also famously known as the second brain, so keeping it in good condition is crucial. The easiest way to keep your gut healthy is by including gut-friendly food items and supplements in your diet. Nutraceutical supplements, like prebiotics and probiotics, can be taken to improve overall gut health. These supplements promote the steady growth of microbiome and healthy gut bacteria that assist in numerous health benefits, like improved mental health functioning, better digestion, strengthened immune system, etc.
Prebiotics are fibers that feed good gut bacteria, assisting in their overall growth and activity. On the other hand, probiotics are live bacteria that can help you actively restore and maintain healthy bacteria balance in the gut. If you’ve been experiencing an imbalanced gut, consult a healthcare professional for personalized nutraceutical supplement recommendations.
Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases
Another essential health benefit of taking nutraceutical supplements is their ability to lower the risk of the development of chronic diseases. When taken in appropriate quantities, these supplements can help reduce the risk of potential heart diseases, diabetes, etc. It happens because of the abundant supply of antioxidants and nutrients in the supplements. Vitamin C and Vitamin E are the predominant antioxidants present in nutraceuticals that help protect body cells from potential damage by radicals.
To lower the risk of other chronic diseases, you can consider taking fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, etc., to eventually lower cholesterol levels, and blood pressure, and improve insulin sensitivity. All of these together can help lower the risk of developing different chronic diseases. Since not everyone has the same health conditions, diet, and body requirements, we recommend visiting a medical professional for nutraceutical supplement recommendations.
Nutraceutical Supplements for Improved Health Conditions
From boosting energy to preventing the likelihood of developing chronic diseases- there are plenty of health benefits to taking nutraceutical supplements. While these supplements are known for promoting better health, people should know that not all neutraceuticals are developed the same. Some may provide incredible health benefits, while others might be insignificant or ineffective, especially when taken in excessive amounts.
If you want to enjoy the health benefits featured in this article, you must consult a healthcare professional to pick the right supplement. Consuming the wrong nutraceutical supplements can lead to severe headaches, dizziness, elevated blood pressure, digestion problems, and other health concerns. Hence, avoid self-prescribing supplements and always rely on a medical professional for supplement recommendations.